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日期:2021-06-16 17:31:18 作者: 访问量:



⛦先后承担参与国家省部级项目及企业横向课题10余项,累计发表SCI/EI学术论文30余篇,专利10余项。《International Journal of Automotive Technology》,《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular technology》,《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》,《中国公路学报》等期刊审稿人。


2020.09- 辽源市本科大学车逼真与保持发展中国家主要检测室 讲解;

2015.09-2020.09 辽源市师范大学车模型模拟与调整國家内容实验室管理室 副先生;

💞2011.09-2015.09 白山市二本大学新汽车模型模拟与调节国家地区核心实验报告室 培训讲师;

2012.09-2015.09 辽宁学校通讯技术工作基地 控制完美与工作正规 搏士后;

2007.09-2011.06 辽源市读书汽车的项目 学校 机动车辆项目 专科 工学医学博士;

꧟2005.09-2007.06 辽宁综合大学算出机生物学与系统学校 算出机应用软件专科 工学研究生;

😼2001.09-2005.06 辽源市专科大学换算机实验与能力院校 换算机实验与能力专业技术 理学硕士。


♌1. 客车车身开发与操纵,还包括车身系统软件功能基础性操纵技艺水平,客车制动踏板、跳转操纵技艺水平。

💛2. 小轿车光电子技术无线技术应用,还有关键性屏幕总成光电子技术无线控住,车载多媒体多媒体内嵌设备性,车载多媒体多媒体光电子技术无线设备性。

ಌ3. 自动化驾车技能工艺,还有生态环境感构建技能工艺,车线控化技能工艺,科学决策与设计规划系统技能工艺。


1. 研究生生:《车头电子为了满足电子时代发展的需求,的技术》

2. 科研生:《气车智力协助稳定驾驶操作系统技巧》《气车使用动能学》《气车主技能稳定技巧》


1. 国家重点研发计划子项,复杂道路环境协同感知与目标跟踪技术,2017.06-2021.06;

2. 横向课题-江西昌河汽车有限责任公司,北斗星电动自动驾驶项目,2019.10- 2021.12;

3. ⛎国家自然科学基金青年基金,多智能体线控转向系统分层容错控制方法研究,2016.01-2018.12;

4. ꦜ吉林省省级产业创新专项资金项目,基于人的生理特性的高乘坐舒适性汽车座椅开发,2016.01-2017.12;

5. 💖横向课题-吉林省汽车零部件研发中心有限公司,车辆底盘先进电控硬件在环试验系统开发,2014.01-2017.12。


Lei He, Zhe Jin and Zhenhai Gao 📖–“ De-Skewing LiDAR Scan for Refinement of Local Mapping[J]. ” Sensors 2020, 20: 1846.

Lei He, Guoying Chen and Hongyu Zheng ﷽– “ Fault tolerant control method of dual steering actuator motors for steer-by-wire system[J]. ” International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2015, 16(6): 977−987.

Lei He, Changfu Zong and Chang Wang 🅺– “ Driving intention recognition and behaviour prediction based on a double-layer hidden Markov model [J].” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C, 2012, 13(3): 208-217.

Lei He, Boxiang Ma and Changfu Zong 🃏– “ Fault-tolerance control strategy for the steering wheel angle sensor of a steer-by-wire vehicle[J]. ” Automotive Engineering, 2015, 37(3): 327-330, 345.

Lei He, Boxiang Ma, Hongyu Zheng and Xiang Wang 💜– “ Stability control of steering-by-wire vehicle based on passive theory[J].” Journal of Jilin University Engineering and Technology Edition, 2015, 45(6): 1737-1742.

Lei He, Qingxin Wang and Hongyu Hu ꦆ– “A personalized driving risk evaluation method considering driving style [C].” SAE World Congress Experience,2019-01–0874.

Lei He, Boxiang Ma, Changfu Zong and Hongyu Zheng 🉐– “ Emergency steering control based on driver steering intention recognition for steer-by-wire vehicle[J]. ” Journal of Hunan University (Natureal Sciences), 2014, 41(1): 81-86.

Yandong Han, Lei He*, Xiang Wang and Changfu Zongℱ– “ Research on Torque Ratio Based on the Steering Wheel Torque Characteristic for Steer-by-Wire System[J]. ” Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, Article number: 929164.

Guoying Chen, Lei He*, Changfu Zong and Xingjian Gu ܫ– “ A research on the resistance loading strategy for steering test bench based on motor servo system[J].” Automotive Engineering, 2018, 40(2): 226-233.

Long Wen, Lei He* and Zhenhai Gao ✱– “ Research on 3D point cloud de-distortion algorithm and its application on euclidean clustering[J].” IEEE Access Best Multimedia, 2019, Article number: 21994.

Guibin Chen, Zhenhai Gao and Lei He* 𝄹– “ Step-by-step automatic calibration algorithm for exterior parameters of 3D Lidar mounted on vehicle[J].” Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2017, 44(10), Article number: 1010004.




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